Congratulations on your candidacy for graduation!

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Hiks...hiks.... terancam graduate soon nih, padahal males nulisnya lagi kambuh

While I realize that it is a bit early to congratulate you, as you have yet to take your final examinations, I salute your hard work to this point, and look forward to celebrating with you in the Mid-Year Commencement Exercise on SATURDAY, May 16, 2009 .

The Undergraduate Degree Ceremony is scheduled for 9:00 a.m . All degree candidates are required to report to the Stan Sheriff Center Security Entrance by 8:00 a.m.

The Advanced Degree Ceremony is scheduled for 3:00 p.m . All degree candidates are required to report to the Stan Sheriff Center Security Entrance by 2:00 p.m.

If you have not already done so, please review the instructions on the commencement website:

Please record your commencement ID (highlighted in the left corner of the screen), or save this message for access to the Manoa Commencement Registration System.

If you should have any questions regarding the commencement exercise, please call the commencement coordinator at (80..., or send an e-mail message to .

I wish you the best in these last days of your college career at UH Manoa, and look forward to congratulating you in the ceremony.


Commencement Coordinator
posted by Nihayatul (Ninik) Wafiroh at 3:22 PM, |


selamat ya jeng!!! whuaaaa bakalan bisa cepet pulang dan peluk anak-anak. ayo semangat lagi!!!